There is also a newer, experimental interface to do model-based testing.
Caveat: since this is in the FsCheck.Experimental namespace for now, the rules of semantic versioning do not apply to this particular part of the API. In other words, minor version releases may break your code.
Let's look at the following simple class, which has an artificial bug:
type Counter(?initial:int) =
let mutable n = defaultArg initial 0
member __.Inc() =
//silly bug
if n <= 3 then n <- n + 1 else n <- n + 2
member __.Dec() = if n <= 0 then failwithf "Precondition fail" else n <- n - 1; n
member __.Reset() = n <- 0
override __.ToString() = sprintf "Counter = %i" n
In C#:
As a model to test this class we can use an int
value which is an abstraction of the object's internal state. The
idea is that each operation on the class (in this case, Inc
, Dec
and Reset
) affects both the model object and the actual object, and
after each such operation, the model and the actual instance should still be equivalent.
With this idea in mind, you can write a specification of the Counter
class using an int model as follows:
let spec =
let inc =
{ new Operation<Counter,int>() with
member __.Run m = m + 1
member __.Check (c,m) =
let res = c.Inc()
m = res
|> Prop.label (sprintf "Inc: model = %i, actual = %i" m res)
override __.ToString() = "inc"}
let dec =
{ new Operation<Counter,int>() with
member __.Run m = m - 1
override __.Pre m =
m > 0
member __.Check (c,m) =
let res = c.Dec()
m = res
|> Prop.label (sprintf "Dec: model = %i, actual = %i" m res)
override __.ToString() = "dec"}
let create initialValue =
{ new Setup<Counter,int>() with
member __.Actual() = new Counter(initialValue)
member __.Model() = initialValue }
{ new Machine<Counter,int>() with
member __.Setup = Gen.choose (0,3) |> create |> Arb.fromGen
member __.Next _ = Gen.elements [ inc; dec ] }
In C#:
Let's break this down a bit. A specification is put together as an object that is a subtype of the abstract class Machine<'TypeUnderTest,'ModelType>
What you're actually defining is a state machine which can simultaneously apply operations, or state transitions, to the actual system
under test (in this case, a simple object) and a model of the system under test.
The methods you override on Machine
are Setup
, Next
, and optionally TearDown
is a property that returns an Arbitrary
instance that generates (and optionally shrinks) a Setup<'TypeUnderTest, 'ModelType>
object. This in turn has two methods
to override: Actual()
which should return a new, fresh instance of the system under test every time it is called, and Model()
which should return the corresponding
instance of the model object each time it is called. In the example, there is only one subclass of Setup<'Counter,int>
(in more complex cases, there might be more). Our
instance takes as argument the initial counter value, and returns a fresh Counter
as the SUT. The model is in this case simply the initial value.
is a method that takes a model and generates the possible operations that are possible from the state represented by the model. Each operation
is represented by an Operation
has three methods to override: Run
, Check
and optionally Pre
. Pre
takes a model and returns true
if and only if this operation can execute on a model in that state - in other words it checks if the precondition for the operation is satisfied. Note that
can also return a reduced set of operations based on the model, which is more efficient, but the preconditions are checked regardless for each
operation Next
takes a model and returns the new model which is the result of applying this operation to the model. Check
then takes the new model (as returned from Run
applies the operation to the actual system under test, and checks whether the result of the SUT matches with the model. The return type of Check
is Property so
you can use the usual FsCheck Prop
methods to implement this method.
In the example above there are only two operations that we're checking: Inc
and Dec
. The Run
methods respectively increase and decrease the model. Check
calls Inc()
or Dec()
on the Counter
instance, and checks that after that the model counter is equal to the real Counter
. Dec
in addition has a (quite
silly, for demonstration purposes) precondition that the value should be strictly greater than 0 - if we run this machine our Counter
throws if we call Dec
so when we run this specification we can check that FsCheck does the right thing here (testing the test library, very meta...)
We also override ToString
in each Operation
so that counter-examples can be printed.
A specification can be checked as follows:
Check.Quick (StateMachine.toProperty spec)
Notice that not only has FsCheck found our 'bug', it has also produced the minimal sequence of operations that leads to it.
But what has actually happened? Using the generators from the Machine
methods, FsCheck tries to generate a random sequence of operations, for example:
{Setup = (0, Setup Counter);
Operations =
[(inc, 1); (dec, 0); (inc, 1); (inc, 2); (inc, 3); (inc, 4); (inc, 5);
(dec, 4); (dec, 3)];
TearDown = TearDown Counter;}
You can read this as a trace of the operations: the counter started off in state 0
, then using operation inc
when to state 1
, then using operation dec
went to state 0
and so on.
This sequence is first generated using the model only, i.e. no operations are actually applied to any Counter
objects. After generating a full trace, the operations
are actually applied to the system under test, using the Operation.Check
methods of the various Operation
If a failing test is found, FsCheck will attempt to remove operations from the sequence of operations, as long as the test still fails. So in the example above, although the original sequence contains a few superfluous operations, FsCheck normally finds a shorter if not the shortest sequence that leads to the failure.
Final tip: make the model class immutable. This makes it easier to reason about the model and the operations on it, and it also makes it easier to write the Check
If the model is mutable, you MUST make sure that the result of Run
is a new instance of the model that you don't modify later on. FsCheck captures these results
during the test run and during shrinking, and relies on them not changing.