
ArbMap Module

Namespace: FsCheck.FSharp

Assembly: FsCheck.dll

Functions and values

Function or value Description

ArbMap.arbitrary arbMap

Full Usage: ArbMap.arbitrary arbMap

Returns: Arbitrary<'T>

arbMap : IArbMap
Returns: Arbitrary<'T>


Full Usage: ArbMap.defaults

Returns: IArbMap

The immutable default mapping from a type to Arbitrary for that type.

Returns: IArbMap

ArbMap.generate arbMap

Full Usage: ArbMap.generate arbMap

Returns: Gen<'T>

arbMap : IArbMap
Returns: Gen<'T>

ArbMap.mergeArb arb existingMap

Full Usage: ArbMap.mergeArb arb existingMap

Returns: IArbMap

Return a new Type to Arbitrary map that merges the existing map with the provided Arbitrary<'T> instance.

arb : Arbitrary<'a>
existingMap : IArbMap
Returns: IArbMap

ArbMap.mergeArbFactory factory existingMap

Full Usage: ArbMap.mergeArbFactory factory existingMap

Returns: IArbMap

Return a new Type to Arbitrary map that merges the existing map with the Arbitrary<'T> returned by the given function.

factory : Arbitrary<'a> -> Arbitrary<'b>
existingMap : IArbMap
Returns: IArbMap

ArbMap.mergeFactory factory existingMap

Full Usage: ArbMap.mergeFactory factory existingMap

Returns: IArbMap

Return a new Type to Arbitrary map that merges the existing map with the Arbitrary<'T> returned by the given function.

factory : unit -> Arbitrary<'b>
existingMap : IArbMap
Returns: IArbMap

ArbMap.mergeMapFactory factory existingMap

Full Usage: ArbMap.mergeMapFactory factory existingMap

Returns: IArbMap

Return a new Type to Arbitrary map that merges the existing map with the Arbitrary<'T> returned by the given function.

factory : IArbMap -> Arbitrary<'b>
existingMap : IArbMap
Returns: IArbMap

ArbMap.mergeWith existingMap

Full Usage: ArbMap.mergeWith existingMap

Returns: IArbMap

Return a new Type to Arbitrary map that merges the existing map with new Arbitrary<'T> instances discovered on the given type argument 'TArb. The new Arbitrary instances take precedence over the ones for the same type in the existing map. instancesType should have static methods or properties that return Arbitrary<'T> instances. The methods or properties can have any name, and there can be any number of them. A method may return Arbitrary instances for generic types, e.g. Arbitrary>. In that case, the implementation needs to obtain an Arbitrary<'Key> and Arbitrary<'Value> - it can declare parameters of type Arbitrary<'T> to obtain them. Arbitrary instance of the correct type are automatically injected on construction of a particular type.

existingMap : IArbMap
Returns: IArbMap

ArbMap.mergeWithType instancesType existingMap

Full Usage: ArbMap.mergeWithType instancesType existingMap

Returns: IArbMap

Return a new Type to Arbitrary map that merges the existing map with new Arbitrary<'T> instances discovered on the given Type. See mergeWith<'TArb> for more info on what the shape of instancesType can be.

instancesType : Type
existingMap : IArbMap
Returns: IArbMap